Friday, August 24

I got an award!

I got the Charming award from Storyteller! So on to the Rules!
The Charming person is a person whose charm is evident in everywhere they go—in their blog posts, their replies, and their comments. They are always gracious and thinking of others.

Charming person rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award and leave a link to all of their blogs.

Thank you, Storyteller! (Rubberboot Girl, Dragonmaster)

2. What about yourself do you think is charming?

Well, I don't really know. That is a hard question! Maybe I try to be kind, but sometimes that's hard. (Especially around some of my siblings!)

3. What is your favorite thing about the person who gave you the award?
Storyteller is so awesome! The stories on the blogs are amazing, and Storyteller is so nice!

4. Nominate 1 person for this award. No tag backs. I.E=one person gives this to, say, somebody named Sally. Sally cannot retag the person, but the person who Sally gives the award to can reaward the person who gave it to Sally.
I say.... Jess!

 5. Answer the questions you were asked, then make up five more for the person you awarded.

These are the questions I was asked:
1) What is your favorite activity?
Reading, definitely.

2) What do you think of when you think of yourself?
I think of a shy girl who likes to read.

3) What is your favorite season?
I would say probably spring.

4) How old do you think I am?
I think you are 13.

5) In what kind of a house do you think I live?
I think you live in a fairly large house, a few miles out of a town. It is painted an unusual color.
Now, here's my questions.
1) Do you have any hobbies?
2) How old do you think I am?
3) What is your favorite type of weather?
4) Do you like to blog?
5) Do you have siblings?
(you do not have to answer these if you feel they intrude on your privacy)
And that's all!


  1. Hi!
    Thanks for following our blog!
    Yes, we know how hard it is to wear skirts all the time. We have four brothers and we were constantly following them along. We had a garden, and cows, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, cats, dogs, rabbits etc. We showed cows at our county fair, and were CONSTANTLY climbing trees or down at the creek. We built a tree house, and rode bikes We even earned our Christmas money by picking up and selling black walnuts. We are not trying to turn you off or say "well we are better then you!"(please don't take it that way!) We wore skirts the whole time, we felt so strongly about it that we just made it happen. We would wear dresses or wavy full skirt every where we went. If we are climbing trees we wear shorts or leggings under our skirts (Sometimes it is hot though :) (We have moved since then and had to sell our animals, but we still climb trees, ride bikes, and go hiking!) That is our story about wearing skirts! :) Thanks again for following our blog! We hope we can get to know you more! :)
    God Bless!

  2. Hey! You got awarded on my blog:
    Go check it out if you want!
