~The Elven-names~

~The Elven-names~
My mom was different. I often wondered why strange things seemed to happen around her. I mean, who would name their kids in elfish? Well, I actually don't think that's the right name, but Mom did name us in the elfish language of Middle Earth. You know, like in the Lord Of The Rings?

I was Mirluin. It means blue jewel, for all of you who do not understand the elf language. My sister was Gilanna (gift of a star) and my brother was Thoron (eagle). Do you know anyone else named like that? I didn't. But sometimes I wondered. Mom was really pretty. I mean, really really pretty. Beautiful, in fact. But when I was ten years old, she died. And we were left without our Mom. Even though she was strange, she had been a wonderful mom. And we missed her. A lot.

It took us forever to get over that. But when I was twelve, I found Mom's books. She had every single one of J.R.R. Tolkiens works about Middle Earth. I started reading them, and I was enthralled. I read those books over and over. I can't explain the fascination I had with them.

I and my brother and sister were growing up. Sometimes Dad would say how much I looked like Mom, and I didn't believe him. I thought Gilanna was the one who looked like Mom. And Thoron? He looked different. Not weird or anything, but he looked different, somehow.

And then, when I was fourteen, something happened that rocked my world. There was this new kid in my grade at school. And he was short. Really short. I was five feet six inches tall, one of the tallest girls in my class, and he was three feet eight inches.

No one was being friendly to him or anything, so i went over to him at lunch and said hi. Then I asked him what his name was. He sort of choked. Then he looked at me with a strange expression in his face.

"You tell me your name, and then I'll tell you mine," he said.

I shrugged. "OK. My name's Mirluin. Sometimes people call me Mir, but mostly I'm called my whole name."

His look got even stranger. "Um, everyone calls me Fred." He stopped for a little while, then took a deep breath. "Your name is a bit unusual. If you don't mind me asking, where did it come from?"

Now that was even stranger. People don't usually ask me where my name came from, even though it is a bit different. I tilted my head. "My mom named me that. It's, um, elvish. It means blue jewel." I felt a bit silly after telling him the meaning of my name.

But he evidently didn't think it was silly. He leaned forward. "Don't tell anyone," he whispered, "but my whole name is Fredegar."

My eyebrows shot up. "Isn't that a hobbit name?"

He nodded. "Everyone would tease me if they knew, especially since I'm so short."

I nodded. "I won't tell."

He looked at me. "You know, you look a little bit elvish, too."

I shook my head. "No way!"

He shrugged. I walked away. My head was spinning. So there was another person who was named a Middle-Earth name. And he said I looked like an elf, and he looked like a hobbit. What on earth was happening?

The Discovery

I was wandering aimlessly through the forest. I looked up, and before me stood two great trees, arching toward each other like a beautiful gateway. I felt something pulling me that way, and I stepped under the arch. I stopped, for now I heard the sound of voices. But they were not enemy voices. They were beautiful voices, and though they were speaking a strange language, I understood them.

I stepped forward silently, hoping that I would be able to see these people. And my hope was not unfounded. My eyes widened as I looked around a tree, for these were elves. Not the high elves, but forest elves. I listened to the conversation.

"Greenwood the Great is falling under a shadow," one of the elves said. He had a bow on his shoulder, and stood near the edge of a group.

"Aye, but would you have us join the dwarves?" another replied. "We have not had friendly relations with them for many lifetimes of men."

The one with a bow spoke again. "I do not forget our reasons to be unhappy with the dwarves. But I also know that they would make a terrible enemy, if they joined the black side." He raised his head. "But I must not tarry here. I am expected back soon." And he turned away from the group and walked quickly off through the forest.

The group of elves now was scattering, and one of the elves passed by where I stood. I went to him and asked him, "Who was that elf with the bow?"

He looked at me strangely. "Do you not know? He is the Elf-King's son. His name is Legolas."

Suddenly I began running, back the way I had came. I saw the tree archway ahead of me and I strove to reach it. But now the elf I had spoken to was pursuing me. I ran faster, and passed under the archway.

And then I woke up. It was with a jerk I realized what I had been dreaming about. Greenwood the Great, elves, dwarves,... Legolas? I could understand dreaming about elves, with what I had been thinking of lately, but why on earth would I dream of Legolas? Evidently I had had my head too full of Tolkien recently. I had sat up reading the Silmarillion last night, after that strange day at school, and had fallen asleep before I was done.

It's Saturday, I realized suddenly. I grinned. I would be able to get some investigating done today.
After breakfast I went upstairs to the attic. There were some things of Mom's there, and I thought I might be able to find a clue to why she named us like she did, and why all these things were happening.

I was rummaging around in old boxes when I found that old chest thing. I opened it--and saw a stack of papers. The first one looked like it was a title page. It read:

The Lore of the Elven-Named.

I grinned, sat down, and started reading.
The Lore
"This is the history of those elven-named", read the book. "It is unclear how these began, but there is one legend. It is said that when in Middle-Earth the second slaying of elf by elf took place, and Celegorm's servants took the young sons of Dior and Nimloth, Elured and Elurin, and left them in the forest to starve, Manwe took pity on them. He appealed on their behalf to Iluvatar, who removed them from Middle-Earth, and took them to a place that had not know elves before that day. Here he told them that in this new place they would not be immortal, but would have the gift of Man, and die and leave the world. But their legacy would continue, if their descendants were named in the elven tongue. And so it came to pass, that when Elured came of age and was married, he named his children in the elven tongue. And so it was with Elurin also. After many generations, an intermarriage took place between two of these Elven-Named. And it was realized that when this happened, the children of such a union were more like unto the elves than their parents. They were fair of face, and had long life-spans, but were not immortal. And they were called the Eldar-hin, the children of elves.

"The first of these Eldar-hin was..." I sighed. Now it was getting into genealogies, and those were boring! Okay, I realize that you probably don't have any idea what the first part of that paragraph was about. Most of it's in the Silmarillion. There was this, like, huge war that lasted for a whole age, and even some elves fought other elves over these really great jewels. Iluvatar was The Creator of All, and Manwe was one of his servants, sort of like God and His angels.

I dug around in the chest, looking to see if there was anything else, and I found a little leather-bound book. I opened it, and gasped. There was my mother's handwriting staring out at me.

I am now the keeper of the lore. I did not want to be, but I was chosen. And I am not sure of the legend any more. It's really neat, but I think something else is happening. I just got a copy of Tolkien's works. And now that I know all of the races of Middle-Earth, I think I've seen a Hobbit-named, if there is such a thing. And if the legend is true, there's no place for hobbits here. There must be some other explanation for the origins of the Elven-named.

So Mom hadn't thought the legend was right. What was the deal here?

I picked Mom's diary thing up and started downstairs.
I took the precious journal to my room and put it under my pillow. Then I went out into the living room, where Dad sat reading a book. I took a deep breath.

"Dad," I asked, "How come you and Mom named us elvish names?"

Dad looked up sharply. It seemed like his eyes tried to look right through me. "What do you mean, Mirluin?"

I tried again. "Well, I was up in the attic, looking at Mom's stuff, and there was this book that talked about elves and Elven-named people, and I was wondering if you knew anymore about it."

Dad frowned. "Mir, I don't want you going through your Mom's stuff. You stay out of the attic now, okay?"

"But, Dad," I protested.

"No buts," he interrupted. "Don't be looking through that box again."

I nodded slowly. Dad sort of smiled. "Now, why don't you go get Gilanna and start making lunch?"

I nodded once more.

Why didn't Dad want me looking at Mom's stuff?

The Forest
After lunch, Dad disappeared. I was heading to my room to read Mom's journal, when the doorbell rang. I went and answered it. There stood a young man with shaggy black hair, a green hoodie, and black jeans. "You Mirluin?" he asked.

"Uh....yeah," I answered. "Why?"

He grinned. "I was told to give this to you." He handed me an envelope and walked off. I looked after him strangely. What on earth was happening here? I turned the envelope over and read: Mirluin, 123 Blue Mountain Road, Middlecester, NY. It looked OK.

I opened it. Inside was a slip of paper that read:

You are now the keeper of the lore. If you wish to know more, come to the forest at four.
The keeper of the legacy

I swallowed. Things just seemed to be taking me along with them, and I was getting swept into something so much more than I had imagined.

* * *
I wanted to know what the note was all about, and yet I definitely was not going to go into the forest without telling anyone. So I told Thoron that I was going to explore in...Oh, wait a minute. I didn't explain this at the beginning, did I? Middlecester, New York, is right in the middle of a forest. Blue Mountain Road was right on the edge of town, so the forest was right in our backyard. So I wouldn't be going that far away.
Anyway, I told Thoron I should be back by five or so. And then I took Mom's journal and went out to the forest. I found a good place to sit down, and started reading.
The keeper of the legacy told me that I had been chosen to be the keeper of the lore. I don't know how he chose me. Today I asked him what he thought of the legend of the beginning of the elven-named. He just said, "Many legends are not wholly untrue. But names have more power than we may know." I wonder what he means by that.
I skipped down a ways.
Now I learn that the keeper of the lore has a more important job than I thought. And I have learned there are only four refuges of the elven-named on Earth. One is Middlecester. And outside the refuges, there is an
I had to stop reading there. Because right in front of me stood a person. With a bow. Aimed directly at me.
Important Meeting
I dropped Mom's journal. And stared at this person who was aiming their bow at me.

He was tall, and his face was serious...evidently intent on aiming his arrow correctly. He narrowed his eyes at me. "If you aren't who I think you are, I loose this arrow." Great. That didn't make me feel any better.

The archer tilted his head. "So who are you?"

I took a deep breath. Since I didn't know who I was supposed to be, I might as well just say who i was. "I am Mirluin Faeron. I was supposed to meet someone here."

He grinned and set down his bow. "Good. I was supposed to meet you here, and make sure no spies of the enemy were about."

"So you are going to tell me more about this note I have?" I asked.

He laughed and shook his head. "No, I am just to escort you to the one who will."

* * *
After following Archer (hey, he hadn't told me his name) through the forest for awhile, we came to a place where the trees grew really thickly. Archer went around a larger-than-normal tree and ducked under a branch. I followed him, and it was then that I realized that I was in a palace, of sorts.
I walked forward slowly, looking around. There was no ceiling, but the trees made walls, and there were earthen banks and tables. It was lovely and majestic. At the far end of this hall of trees there was a large, magnificently carved, wooden chair. In it sat an old man. he lifted his head and looked at me. He smiled, and beckoned me forward. "Ah, you are Mirluin," he almost whispered. "So like your mother."
I bowed-it seemed right, somehow. "Who are you, sir?"
He smiled slowly. "I am the keeper of the legacy. And I will answer some, at least, of your questions."
I nodded. "Sir, why am I chosen to be the keeper of the lore?"
He looked at me gravely. "The keeper of the lore and the keeper of the legacy together decide who will be their heirs. Your mother wished you to be her successor, and I agreed with her. But you were not old enough until this year."
I nodded again. "But why me?"
The keeper of the lore sighed. "The keeper of the lore and the keeper of the legacy have great responsibilities. If ever both of them fail to leave a successor, the people of the elven-names will cease. There is a great power working to try to make this happen. And if this power triumphs, this world will lose much." He took a deep breath. "The keeper of the legacy holds an heirloom from ages ago--he wields it in order to keep the refuges of the elven-named together. The keeper of the lore--she has the responsibility of keeping remembrance of their past in the minds of the elven-named. They must both be Eldarhin. And the number of the Eldarhin is lessening, for the evil power is working against us."
I took a deep breath. "I have to do this?"
The deep brown eyes of the keeper of the lore looked at me gravely. "You have been called to it. But you can disregard the summons. The person I chose to be my successor did so; and now I must either choose another or soon the keeper of the lore will be a memory of the past."
* * *
Archer escorted me back to the place where I had met him. I turned and thanked him for bringing me.
He smiled. "Farewell, keeper of the lore. We may see each other again sooner than you know." Then he turned and disappeared into the forest. I looked after him. What could he have meant by that?
I picked up Mom's journal and turned to walk back to the house. And that's when I saw him. Dad was standing just outside the forest. He was frowning. Evidently he had seen me saying farewell to Archer. And he was not happy.
Dad was livid. As I approached him, I could see his jaw working. And his eyes? They were hard as flint. "Mirluin, who was that you were talking to?" His voice was calm and deadly.

"I don't know, Dad," I answered truthfully. "I was reading in the forest when I met him."

Dad's fists clenched. "You aren't telling me everything, Mirluin. You think I don't know an elven-named when I see one?"

At that my anger, which had been building up since that morning, just spilled over. "Dad," I cried passionately, "I can't tell an elven-named when I see one. And I am one! How come you didn't tell us who we are? How come you don't want me to look at Mom's stuff? Why?"

And before Dad could answer, I ran into the house and into my room, slamming the doors as I went. I flung myself onto my bed, sobbing.

And that's when it hit me. It almost seemed that my breath was knocked out of me by the realization. The Keeper of the Legacy had told me that the Keepers had to be eldarhin. I was a Keeper. To be an eldarhin, both of your parents had to be elven-named. Dad was elven-named? Then why was he so against them?
Back to Normality.....or Not?

On Sunday I didn't read Mom's journal. I didn't think I could take any more discoveries just now. I spent the day thinking of my most recent one: Dad was an elven-named.

It was then I realized that I didn't know Dad's name. things that came in the mail were addressed to 'Mr. T. Faeron' or just 'Mr. Faeron'. His friends called Dad 'T'. Mom had called him that also. It's pretty sad, when you think about it. I didn't know my own dad's name. What did that say about our relationship? But I didn't know how to change things.
* * *
When I went back to school, it was really strange. So much had happened on the weekend that it was weird seeing everything going on like normal at school. And everything basically was normal. I could almost forget that I had been chosen Keeper of the Lore.
Between classes, when I went to my locker, my friend Heather was there.
"Did you hear, there's a new guy here today?" she asked. "He just switched schools--he used to go to the one across town."
"Oh, really?" I inquired. "I wonder why he did that?"
Heather shrugged. "I don't know. But he's a senior, and he's really handsome."
"Oh?" I asked again. Frankly, I couldn't care less. But Heather kept gushing.
"He's got wavy dark hair, and almost black eyes, and he's tall..."
I sighed. "I really need to get to class, Heather," i said. She stopped talking, and I ran off to class.
* * *
I had almost forgotten the conversation by the time school ended. We didn't live far from the high school, so I always walked home. That day I was surprised by a boy opening the door for me as I went out.
I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you!"
He nodded "You're welcome." Then he smiled ruefully. "I suppose you don't know me. I just switched schools. My name's Matt."
I smiled politely. "That's nice. My name's--"
"Mirluin," he finished for me. I stared at him as we continued down the sidewalk.
"How did you know that?"
He looked straight ahead, his face straight. "Because you're so pretty."
I sucked in my breath, speechless with astonishment for a moment. Then I was furious. I turned to him. "I don't even know you!!" I spit out. "Do you al--"
I was going to finish my sentence, but Matt grinned. My jaw dropped open and I took a step backward in surprise.
"You're--you're Archer!" I stammered.

A Terrible Situation that gets WORSE

"Archer?" Matt looked confused.

I could feel my face grow red. "I-um-uh-sorta...named you, after we met in the forest."

He grinned. "Well, you know my real name now."

I nodded. "So, does that have anything to do with this?"

Matt squinted. "What?"

I sighed. "Does what happened in the forest have anything to do with you coming here?

His face grew serious. "I'm supposed to keep an eye on you, make sure the Enemy doesn't learn who you are, that sort of thing. But it's not safe to talk about it here."

I nodded. "Okay. But when we're somewhere where it is safe, I want some explanations."

He laughed, and I continued home by myself.

* * *
That week at school, it seemed like I was always running into Matt. Not literally, but he was always around. He always talked to me when I walked home from school, and sometimes he'd even sit at my table at lunch. To tell the truth, it was sort of annoying.
On Friday, as Heather and I were at out lockers, heather was chatting away like usual, and I was getting my books. Then something Heather said got my attention.
"...and you have all the luck, Mir, with Matt wanting to be your boyfriend."
I almost dropped my books. "WHAT!!?! You're kidding, right?"
She looked insulted. "I'm not kidding. Everyone's jealous."
I took a deep breath. Do you know how I met this guy? I felt like screaming, He was aiming a bow and arrow at me! But instead I just said: "I am definitely NOT his girlfriend, Heather. He's annoying."
She stared at me. But he's so cute, and he's really nice. To you, anyway. He doesn't even look at the other girls."
I closed my eyes. "That's an exaggeration, Heather, and you know it."
"Well, hardly!" She shrugged. "He doesn't talk to any of the other girls, and he's alway talking to you."
I sighed. "Well, you can be his girlfriend if you want to be. I am not." And I walked away.
* * *
After school when Matt came up to me on my way out, I ignored him. As he tried to get my attention I just kept walking.
"Mir, there's something I need to tell you!" I heard him say. I didn't stop. People were not going to say I was Matt's girlfriend.
After I got home I and Gilanna were playing a game before we needed to make supper when the doorbell rang. I heard Dad go to answer it. Then I heard Dad talking angrily and the door slammed shut. And then Dad's voice came, tight and angry.
"Mirluin! Come here! Right. Now!"
I sighed and went out into the living room. "Yes, Dad?"
Dad's hands were clenched into fists. "Mirluin! Have you been getting into your mother's stuff again?"
I shook my head. "No, Dad, honest."
He frowned. "That was the same person I saw you with in the forest."
So it had been Matt at the door. Now I was annoyed. "What was he doing here?"
Dad crossed his arms. "He said he had a message for you."
I sighed. "Did he tell it to you?"
"No." Dad relaxed his fists. "I'll make supper. You and Gilanna need to start packing."
I frowned, bewildered. "Packing? Why?"
Dad smiled. "I got a good job offer on Wednesday. I wasn's sure about it, but this decides it. We are leaving this dratted town!"

Unexpected Occurences

I was walking toward a line of trees, and I was hating every minute of it. As I drew closer, I could tell the trees were a barrier of some sort. I wanted to stop, before I passed through them. But someone was pushing me. I twisted my head to see who was behind me, but I couldn't. Whoever it was would not let me turn my head. I passed the line of trees, and immediately an overwhelming fear fell on me. It wasn't safe here. I began to struggle, to try to go back. I jerked away from the person pushing me and looked straight in their face. I saw..

Dad? He smiled at me. "Mirluin, time to wake up."

I had been dreaming again. It was Saturday. And then the realization fell on me. We were leaving Middlecester today. Almost the same sense of fear came on me that I had felt in the dream. A stifling, grasping feeling, it twists in your belly like someone tied it in a knot.
* * *
As we got in the car, I could see that Thoron and Gilanna felt the same way I did. We were leaving a secure place to go somewhere... I didn't even understand why we felt that way. We shouldn't have this irrational fear about leaving. We could be scared, but to be as terrified as I felt? It was weird.
The highway from Middlecester goes through the forest for a long ways, and right in the middle, there's a rest stop. Dad stopped the car there and we all got out to stretch our legs. After a few minutes, I turned to go back to the car.
And I saw Dad, confronted by two archers and another man.
"Turan!" the man without a bow said. "Do you seek to estrange yourself even further from your people? You know it is forbidden to take a Keeper of the Lore outside of a haven against her will."

Dad went white. "What?" he asked, almost in a whisper. "A Keeper of the Lore?" He looked at me. I looked down. Dad closed his eyes. "I did not know."

I stepped forward. "He speaks true. My father did not know I was chosen Keeper of the Lore." One of the archers looked at me and winked. It was Matt. I crossed my arms. "He did not know."

The man who had spoken to Dad nodded his head slowly. "Still he may not take you any further away from Middlecester. We are nearly on the border of the haven now." He turned to walk back into the forest. "You will all come with us."

And then I saw that there were more than three people. They were all around us. Thoron and Gilanna were looking around in wonder as they emerged from the forest.

Thoron looked at me. "What is this all about?"

I sighed. "I can't tell you right now. But it's something to do with Mom."

Thoron nodded. I wondered how much he guessed--more than I figured, I guessed.

* * *
On the walk into the forest, Dad wouldn't look at me. He seemed wrapped in thought. I was glad that we didn't have to leave, but what was going to happen now? Everything seemed to be falling to pieces around me.
A young woman named Weneithel was walking beside me. She was very friendly, and seemed to know quited a bit about Elven-named, so I decided to ask her some questions.
"Wen, (that was what she asked to be called), why do you think my father doesn't like elven-named? He is one."
She looked at me, then looked at Dad. "I think he may be sorrowing over your mother still, Mirluin," she said. "Turan was the..." her voice trailed off. It almost seemed like the last part had been talking to herself, not me."
I frowned. There were still things that confused me. "Why did the Keeper of the Legacy say that there were few choices for successors? I mean, look at all these elven-named here."
Wen smiled. "Yes, there are many elven-named. But there are only a few eldar-hini here. You, your sister and your brother, and two others."
My eyes got wide. "How come?"
She sighed. "I do not know for certain. But I believe the Enemy has something to do with it. Many Elven-named, when they are grown, abandon their people and do not keep the names. There may be more in the other havens."
I nodded. Just then Matt came toward us. "we are almost there," he said excitedly. "I think the Keeper of the Legacy will wish to see you, Mirluin."

Great Responsiblity

After we entered the forest palace, I was taken to a sort of room. I sat there by myself, thinking. Then I remembered that I had Mom's journal in my pocket. I took it out and began to read where I had left off.

Outside the havens there is an enemy, an organization which is determined to eliminate the people of the Elven-names. This organization's name is Mormir, the dark jewel. And so it is the blue jewel versus the dark jewel, the radiance the one emits versus the blackness of the other. This terrifies me, yet I have confidence that light, and purity, will win out. But only if drastic steps are taken against Mormir. But in order to fight them, I must learn the secrets, of both the Elven-named, and the Mormir. I am going to start on a quest...to find out the origins of the Elven-named. Turan is with me; he supports me being the Keeper of the Lore. And he will help me on my quest.

So Dad hadn't always been against the elven names. I wondered what Dad's name meant.Tur-ran. Now I wished I had read the Silmarillion a bit more; somewhere in it there was a elven-word dictionary thing. And what was that about the blue jewel versus the black jewel? Did Mom mean me?If she did, why was it me against the Mormir?

* * *
As I was thinking on this, Weneithel came in. "The Keeper of the Legacy would like to see you now, Mirluin," she said.
I rose and followed her to the place I had been in before, where the great chair was in the hall. The Keeper smiled as I came near. He stood, and came toward me. His hair was pure white, and he looked exceedingly old, but he moved with nobility, and not haltingly or with a cane. "Mirluin, I have something to show you now," he said. "You need to know of it, for now you are a Keeper, and few things of the Elven-Named can be hidden from you."
I nodded. This was overwhelming me--I didn't know what to do when he talked to me like that. I was just a kid! But now I was Keeper of the Lore, and I had to accept great responsibility.
The Keeper of the Legacy took me down a long path and into a chamber. On a pedestal there was laid a large, blue, jewel. It was shining with a light of its own, and was as big as a robin's egg. I sucked in my breath at the sight of it. It was beautiful.
The Keeper smiled as he saw my reaction. "This is Mirluin, the Legacy of the Elven-Named, Mirluin. Your mother named you after it, for reasons known to herself. In this jewel is the power of safe-keeping, and the Keeper of the Legacy has the responsibility of using it to the good of the havens of the Elven-Named. " He paused for a little while, then he looked at me gravely. "This is the responsibility of the Keeper of the Legacy. And your responsibility is just as great. You are the Keeper of the Lore. And the Keeper of the Lore's responsiblility is to keep the remembrance of who they are in the hearts of the Elven-Named. If either of the Keepers fail, the Elven-Named will cease to exist."
His words fell like doom in my ears. If I did not know who I was myself, how could I keep the remembrance of who we were in the hearts of the people of the Elven-Names?
The story of Mirluin's mother
I looked up at the Keeper of the Legacy. Right then, he looked very old. It seemed a great weight had fallen on his shoulders. He must have seen me looking, for he smiled sadly.

"Yes, Mirluin, such is the doom of the Keepers." he said quietly, in answer to my unspoken question. "But you will find help in your mother's diary."

I gazed at him in wonder as I realized that he knew so much more than I guessed. "Thank you," I whispered.

He nodded at me. "Go ahead. Go. Read. Discover. And learn how to preserve the people of the elven-names."

* * *
On the way back to my room, I asked Weneithel if she knew what the Keeper of the Legacy's name was. She shook her head slowly.
"No. All have forgotten it. He is the eldest of the elven-named, and has been the Keeper of the Legacy for over eighty years." A dreamy look came into her eyes, and she smiled. "It was different with your mother. All knew her name. Findulias! She was as beautiful, and as brave, as the elf-maiden she was named after. And Turan Faeron won her heart.
"The Faerons were one of the oldes families of the Elven-named. And Turan was the most like an elf-lord of them all. They were a wonderful pair; and after they were married they were always at each other's side. They went on many journeys together, and together they won many skirmishes with the Mormir. But alas that your mother had the short life of her namesake! After her death, your father changed." Weneithel looked at me gravely. "Turan Faeron is no longer the man he once was, Mirluin."
I nodded sadly. "I know. I wish he hadn't. He sounds wonderful, the way you describe him."
Weneithel sighed. "His name is Tur-ran. It means master of fire. Your father has a fire burning inside of him, but right now he is having trouble mastering it. Perhaps you will be able to help him, Mirluin."
* * *
I flopped down on my tree bed in my tree room, and opened Mom's journal. It opened to a page in the middle.
I feel compelled to name my first child Mirluin. I don't know why, but I feel she will be a huge factor in the battle that is sure to happen with the Mormir. And so I am naming her after the Legacy. Turan agrees with me, but I have not told him that she will be my successor. It doesn't really matter, anyway. It will be years before I need a successor.
The Secret

I turned the page. And was swept into a world of adventure. It was all written here: Mom and Dad's quests, their fights with the Mormir...everything. I wish I could tell it all here, but it would be a whole book of its own.

As I flipped pages, I saw that Mom and Dad had gone on a lot of trips when I was just a baby, and before. But it didn't look like they had found anthing out. All of the quests just seemed to end with them fighting the Mormir and winning, but not gaining anything. Dad always was at Mom's side, protecting her. I sighed. I wished Dad was like that now.

One of the entries caught my eye. Turan wanted to name our son Turin. I opposed him, for, although Turin was a mighty warrior, he had great troubles and his end was in darkness. Turan did not believe that the name would affect our son, but at last he relented, and so we named our son Thoron:eagle. May he rise above his troubles on eagle's wings!

There was one about Gilanna also, but it just said they named her "Star-gift". And then, a few entries later, I saw my name.

I have already written how I chose Mirluin to be my sucessor as the Keeper of the Lore. I feel sure she will read my book someday, and I wish her to learn and know. Mirluin, if you are reading this, I am sure you are the Keeper of the Lore, or at least will be soon. Read and learn. I made a discovery just yesterday. Iluvatar does exist. I had thought him a myth of middle-earth, but He is real. He does not use Vala and Maia here on Earth, but interacts with men directly. Mirluin, you must heed my words. Only Iluvatar can aid you; you must seek Him. There is another Book, greater than mine. Read it. Discover His great gift to Men.

I turned the page.

There are, indeed, Hobbit-named people. And there may be men named in the middle-earth way, but these are harder to find, for they are nearly indistinguishable from ordinary men. I have never seen any dwarf-named. Indeed, how could there be any? For the dwarves had secret names, and none knew them save their family. So no one knows any true dwarf-names. And of other beings of which there may be named, I do not believe there are any. Indeed, who would name their child after an Orc? It is infathomable. And I am glad, because if there were Orc-named, it would go hard with Turan and I when we are searching.

I kept going forward, learning much, but never learning where the Elven-named came from. And then I came to a entry written hastily.

I have found it! I cannot say how here or how I learned, but I know where the Elven-named came from. And with it I have learned the secret of the Mormir, their power over us. It is the names. Names have a far greater power than any of us ever imagined. And now I am truly glad I did not name our son Turin, for it may have come to pass that the life of Turin was repeated. But I cannot write at length here. If the Mormir know I have learned, my life is in great peril. And Turan is not with me. I came alone.

That was at the bottom of the page, and I turned it quickly, to find nothing. The entries had ended. I turned back and looked at the date on the previous entry. It was the day before Mom had suddenly died.

I stood up; it seemed like I couldn't just sit there. It felt a little difficult to breathe. Now I knew this secret--this secret that Mom said put her in great peril. Would the Mormir be coming after me now?

I jumped as a knock sounded on the door and Weneithel entered. Her face was grave. "Mirluin. Your father has gone missing."
I stared at her. I couldn't hardly comprehend it. "Dad?" I asked at last. "Missing?"
Wen nodded. "Yes. We are organizing a search party."
I sank down on to the bed. "I want to go with you. I need to help find Dad."
Wen twisted her lip. "Well, you can't come with us like that. And tonight you will need to stay here with your brother and sister. If we haven't found him by tomorrow morning, you can come."
I began to protest, but Weneithel held up her hand. "No buts. If you want to help at all, you will stay here tonight."
I sighed. "Okay. But why can't I come with you like this?"
Wen looked at me seriously. "If there are any Mormir involved in this, if they see you in your regular attire, they will know you are an elven-named when you go back to school. If you have a disguise on, they may not recognize you when you go back. So when you come with us, you will need to dress like us."
I looked down at my jeans and sweatshirt, and then at Wen's green dress and cloak. "Oh. I see."
Then I looked at Wen. "You think the Mormir might be involved?"
She nodded. "Yes. But it may also be that your father no longer wanted to stay here, and left. He knows much woodcraft from before."
At supper I saw Gilanna and Thoron. They were still a bit confused about everything. I was finally able to tell them everything. Gilanna was a little incredulous, but Thoron was enthusiastic.
"Awesome!" he cried. "I'm like part elf? this is so neat!" Then his jaw stiffened. "I will be a great hero. We will fight the Mormir together, sister!"

The Search

In the grey dawn the searchers came back. They had failed in their search--Dad was still missing. And so Thoron and I were disguised. We were given cloaks and tunics, and dressed like the inhabitants of the forest we went out with the elven-named after breakfast.

Matt was one of them. He showed me how to look for tracks, and tell which types of tree were which, and a lot of stuff like that. But we couldn't find Dad.

Weneithel told me that Dad had been an expert at woodcraft in the days before Mom died. "He was the best tracker of the elven-named," she said. "And he also knew much about survival in the woods and eluding detection."

I sighed. "Do you think we'll be able to find him then?"

She shrugged. "Hopefully."

But it was Tuesday morning, the third day of our search, when we found any sign of anyone. Matt and Thoron had been up ahead of everyone else, when all of a sudden Thoron came running back.

"We found something!" he shouted. "Matt says there's signs of a fight, and then there's tracks after that. Hurry!"

We all ran after Thoron. Fear fell heavy on my heart. A fight? Had Dad been in it? Was he alright?

Thoron came to a clearing and stopped. It looked like he was unsure which way to go. A shout from further in the woods decided him, and we ran in the direction of the voice.

Then I saw Matt. He was bending over the still form of a man.

I went closer to see who it was. Just then Matt moved, and I could see more clearly who it was.

Dad was lying on the ground. Motionless.

"No!" I cried. "Dad!"

Worth it?
Matt heard me, and he turned. His face was sorrowful and grim as he looked at me. I looked at him. I didn't want to ask if Dad was alright or not.
Weneithel pushed past us. She bent over Dad and felt his wrist.
She turned and looked at me. "He's still alive, but just barely. If we hadn't been searching here today..." She didn't need to finish her sentence.

Some of the male searchers who were with us made a litter and we carried Dad back to the Forest Palace.

I went and looked at him as he lay on his bed. He was so still. So pale. It didn't seem like he could recover.

I wondered what had happened. Had he gotten in a fight with the Mormir? Had he been outside the bounds of safety for the Elven-named?

I went back to my room.

* * *

It was an anxious two days for us. Dad remained unconcious, and was being taken care of by the elven-named.

Then, on Thursday, I was sitting on my bed, just staring at nothing, when Weneithel entered.

"Mirluin, your father is awake. And he's asking for you," she gently stated.

I jumped up. "Dad's awake? Really? Great!"

I followed Wen down the long hall to Dad's room.

We entered, and there was Dad. He was still pale, but his eyes were open. It was hard seeing him like that.

He smiled faintly as we came in. "Mirluin," he whispered.

I shook my head slowly. How had this happened to my Dad?

"What happened, Dad?" I asked.

Dad gave a rueful smile. "I was a fool, that's what happened. I'm sorry, Mirluin." His voice remained quiet, like he couldn't raise it above a whisper.

"You aren't a fool, Dad," I protested.

He shook his head. "I was. I should never have left." His eyes wandered, and it seemed like he meant more than just leaving the Palace on Saturday. After a pause, he continued. "I thought that if I just ignored the realities, they wouldn't exist. I abandoned my friends, because they reminded me of pain. And that left me vulnerable to the attacks of the enemy." He sighed. "They wounded me badly, Mirluin."

Dread rose inside me. It was nearly the same feeling I had had when we nearly left the haven. "You're going to get better, Dad!" I insisted. "You have to!" I took his hands in mine.

Dad shook his head. "I will never really recover, even if I make it through now. I don't know if I can fight them anymore. I don't know if anyone can stand against them. I don't know if it's worth it."

I was crying. I could feel the tears run down my face and onto my and Dad's hands, but I didn't care. I squeezed Dad's hands. "Dad," I managed to say, "that's what they want you to think. They want us all to give up." I swallowed my tears and looked down. The I looked at Dad again. "Dad, Mom died fighting for this, didn't she?"

Dad slowly nodded. His eyes were vacant as if he was remembering something from long ago. He finally spoke. "Yes. Yes, she did, Mirluin."

I gripped Dad's hands. "Then, Dad, if Mom died fighting for this, isn't it worth fighting for? To honor her? Isn't it?" My hands relaxed.

A slow, sad, smile played on Dad's lips. He squeezed my hands gently. Then he sighed, slipped his hands out of mine, and closed his eyes.

Weneithel touched my arm. "We need to go now," she whispered gently but firmly. I let her steer me out the door and back to my room, where I lay on my bed and stared at the sky.

I had much to think about.

The next morning at breakfast I and Thoron were eating with Gilanna, when Glindur came in. He was one of the physicians of the elven-named, and was one of them who were taking care of Dad. He always seemed sort of cheerful, like there was sunshine in him always. But today he was a bit graver than normal.
Thoron looked at Glindur seriously. Thoron already seemed to be becoming and elven-lord in the few days we had been in the Forest Palace. "What is the news, Glindur?" he asked. "Something seems to weigh on your mind."
Glindur sighed. "Your father is getting worse again. I had had hopes yesterday, but today I don't know now."
Gilanna bit her lip. She looked at me despairingly, but I could not comfort her. I was near despair myself.
"I didn't cause it, did I?" I asked anxiously. "I didn't mean to disturb him too much."
Glindur looked at me strangely. "No," he said after a while, "I don't think you caused it. Something strange is at work here. But your visit brought him a good. Whether that good bears fruit remains to be seen."
As I was trying to figure out what he meant by that, Glindur turned to leave. I thought I heard him mutter, "Remorse will do him good. If he'll change his mind...."
What had he meant by that? Suddenly Gilanna started giggling. I stared at her. "What's so funny?"
She giggled again. "He-he sounded just like Gandalf!" she managed to say, before giggling giddily.
Thoron guffawed. "Ha! You're right, Gilanna!"
And then I saw the funny side of it. Glindur had! "And we were just sitting there, wondering what he meant, like--like the hobbits, or, or the dwarves!"
No doubt they thought we were crazy, as we just sat there laughing. But it was good to laugh again.
* * *
Later that morning I was wandering around the Forest Palace, since I didn't have anything to do. Even though I had been living in it for nearly a week, I still couldn't help but feel amazement at how it was constructed out of living trees. I was wandering down a hallway, not really looking where I was going, when I came face to face with the Keeper of the Legacy.
I backed up slightly in surprise. "Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you," I apologiezed, and started to turn to leave, but he stopped me.
"No, Mirluin, I was hoping to see you today. Stay with me awhile." He smiled kindly, so as he continued walking I walked by his side.
After a little while I worked up enough courage to speak to him. "What were you wanting to talk to me about, sir?"
He sighed. "Ah, yes. That." He looked at me seriously. "Mirluin, you are the Keeper of the Lore. Have you learned our lore, and of our heritage, yet?"

I nodded. "I think so, sir. My mom's journal had a lot of that stuff in it."

"Yes," he mused, "but not all. You need the rest of your mother's research and papers. Her journal does not tell all."

"All the genealogies and stuff?" I asked doubtfully. I wasn't exactly sure if I wanted to work through all that.

He nodded firmly. "Yes, the genealogies. There are many stories mixed in with them, and you will learn much about the Mormir." He straightened himself. "So. You and another will go and fetch your mother's documents today. And then you will study them until it is time for you to return to your school."

My heart sank. I had hoped that I wouldn't have to go back to school. "When do I need to return to my school?" I asked, hoping for later rather than sooner. My hopes were dashed when the Keeper spoke.

"You will return to your school on Monday, so you will have two and a half days to read your mother's things."

I sighed. "And who's going to help me get Mom's stuff?"

The Keeper smiled. "Mahtan." He must have seen my bewilderment. "You know him as Matt."
In Which Mirluin Reads Some More

That was okay until we had both changed into normal human clothes and started into the forest. Then, all of a sudden, I remembered what had happened just before Dad tried to make us leave. Things were instantly awkward.
We walked in silence until we finally reached my house. Then Matt grinned. "Guess I'm finally gonna get to see the inside of your house."
I nodded, but didn't laugh. "I suppose so." I sighed. "Matt, are you going to go back to school when I do?"
He gave a puzzled frown and nodded. "Well, yeah. I am supposed to be watching out for you." He opened the back door of our house and held it open for me.
I smiled, remembering the first time he had held a door for me. He grinned mischievously, but didn't say anything, which I was glad for.
And then we were inside. Tears came to my eyes as the familiar four walls of home encircled me. Nice as the Forest Palace was, it just wasn't home.
I was brought back to reality by Matt, with some hesitation, clearing his throat. "Uh, weren't we supposed to be getting something?"
I sighed. "Yeah. It's in the attic, just this way." I led the way up the stairs and opened the attic door.
It was just like I had left it: the box open and the papers on the floor next to it. I knelt and began picking up papers, and Matt did the same.
As we worked I took a deep breath. "Matt, since you're going back to school too, I need to talk to you."
Matt glanced up quickly. He looked like he wanted to frown, but he quickly changed it to a teasing smile. "What?"
"Well," I paused, uncertain how to say it, "you need to watch out for me differently."
He tilted his head to one side. "Why? Do I not treat you well enough?"
I closed my eyes and shook my head. "NO, no, it's not that. You treat me fine, but, but, you need to talk to other people, too."
I saw a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Why?" he asked.
"Well, uh, uh," I could feel myself turning red, "people think I'm your...your...girlfriend." I spat the hated word out of my mouth.
Matt grinned from ear to ear. "So? You know you aren't." He began to chuckle. "I think it's pretty funny."
"MATT!!!" I protested. "It's not funny! And it isn't helping to protect me, if that's what you really want."
He stopped laughing. "How?" he asked. I could tell that he really meant it.
I sighed. "Before you came, people know me as Poor-Mir-who's-mom-died-when-she-was-ten. When we go back, I'll probably be known as Mir-who's-the-girlfriend-of-the-most-popular-boy-in-school-and-who-disappeared-for-a-week! And I want you to help me fade from notice."
He nodded. "Okay. So should I just ignore you?"
I gulped. That would be nice, but.... "No. That would just make things worse. Just treat other girls the same way, okay? That's the reason they started thinking things anyway--you didn't talk to anyone but me."
Matt sighed. "Alright, I'll try."
I smiled. "Good."
*   *   *
After we got back to the Forest Palace I took the papers and began to read. And I realized that there was much more than genealogies in them. I read thrilling stories of heroic adventure, tales of the founding of the havens, and the dark thread of the rise of the Mormir wove through it all. In the genealogies I found a list of the Keepers, and I set it aside for later. Maybe this would give me a clue about the Keeper of the Legacy's identity. But it could wait. Right now I was looking for things about the Mormir.
It turned out that the origins of the Mormir were cloudy, much like the origins of the Elven-Named. They (the Mormir) were a secret organization which had made the elven-named its target. When one of the Keepers of the Legacy (not the one I knew) founded the havens, the Mormir were set back a long way, but now they were regaining their power. Now hardly anywhere was safe from their arm, and they had started encroaching on the havens.
Reading and learning made the two days pass swiftly, and soon it was Monday morning.
To go to school, Thoron, Gilanna, and I went to our house and went to school the way we usually did. I couldn't help feeling a bit depressed. Dad was still sick, and our whole lives had changed, but we still had to act like normal. I wanted to do something, not just go to school!

AS I entered the school, I looked around. I noticed Fred, but he didn't see me. I kept looking around for friends, and caught sight of Heather. She looked up right as I glanced at her, and her eyebrows shot up as our eyes met. She hurried over.

"Mir!" she exclaimed as she came up to me. "You're back!" She stopped and looked at me strangely. "You look different. What happened?"

I shrugged. "It's been a hard week." I stopped there, unsure of what to say next. Heather gave me another strange glance.

"Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around--if you don't disappear again!" she smiled and ran off.

In class I noticed a new girl. What was strange about her was that she was dressed completely in black--black hoodie, black jeans, black tennis shoes, black everything! I didn't see her face, but she intrigued me.

I asked Heather about her later.

"Oh, she started coming right after you left," Heather replied. "Her name's like, Morwenna, or something. I think she's kinda weird," she added.

I nodded. "Thanks for telling me. I was just wondering who she was."

*   *   *
Morwenna. The name sounded strangely familiar. I thought about it until lunch, but I couldn't figure it out.
At lunch Matt said "Hi", but he sat at a different table, so that was alright. After I had eaten, but before classes began again, I was beginning to feel slightly relaxed. I was sitting by myself in the corner of the room, reading a book, when I looked up to see Morwenna standing in front of me. She was slender, and had what people would call 'elfin' features. You know, really pretty. She had pale blonde hair in a messy bun, and her eyes were an icy blue. I was glad she didn't wear black make-up. That would have been really creepy.

"Hi!" I said cheerfully. "I'm--"

"I know who you are," she interrupted.

I was bewildered. "You know my name?"

She gazed at me coolly. "Yes, but I know who you really are. You can't hide."

It felt like something twisted my insides. Did she mean...? I tried to look like I didn't have a clue. "I don't know what you mean. I'm just Mir Faeron."

She gave a derisive little laugh. "You can't fool me. Your name gives it away. See you around, Mirluin." She turned and walked off. After she was a little ways away, she looked back and raised her eyebrows in a mocking challenge. Then she was gone.

As I was standing there dumbfounded, her name clicked into place. Morwenna. Mor-wen-na. Dark or shadowed maiden in elvish, with a decorative 'na' at the end. Surely she was one of the Mormir. I would need to tell Matt.
The Shadow of a Mystery
When Matt and I told the Keeper of the Legacy that it seemed like the Mormir knew who I was, his face grew grave.

"Then it is time for action; now, while we still have time. Mirluin, you will commence archery lessons with Weneithel at once. Mahtan, take one of the your friends and teach Thoron sword fighting." He looked from one to the other of us. "And keep a sharp eye and ear out for anything new happening."

So an even stranger phase of my life began. For most of the day I was pretending to live a normal life at school. In the evening I was an elven-named maiden, in training for a confrontation that was sure to occur. During this time Dad grew a little better. His life was definitely out of danger, but he was always very melancholy. A heavy burden seemed to be on him, and it felt like he could hardly bear to stay with the Elven-named always. And I was realizing that the people who dwelt in the Forest Palace had a strange attitude toward Dad. When they talked about him or to him, there was a slight stiffness, almost like disapproval, but a little different.

One day after school I was practicing the bow with Weneithel, like usual. All of a sudden I noticed Wen stiffen. Then she started acting like she was engrossed in how I was aiming the bow. It was like she was deliberately ignoring someone. So after I loosed my arrow, I looked around, and saw Dad on the edge of the target field. He looked a slightly better than he had that morning at breakfast.
I looked at Weneithel. Her lips were pressed together and she was pointedly ignoring Dad. I drew my bow and fired another arrow, then looked back over my shoulder at Dad. I saw him sigh and then he turned and slowly walked back toward the Forest Palace. Weneithel was muttering under her breath. I couldn't help but hear as she helped me aim another arrow.
"What does he think he's doing here, after what he did? Rejecting his calling and people..." her words trailed away. My mind was churning once more. What had Dad done?
*   *   *
That night I finally decided to read the list of the Keepers. Maybe it would clear up some things. And my curiosity would kick in and remind me that it might have the name of the Keeper of the Legacy. So I unfolded the parchment and read. But I was disappointed, for the list ended at the Keeper of the Legacy before the one that was now. His name was Malglin Faeron. So was he related to me? My people? My reading had just made the mystery darker. 
Mists of Confusion
I was sitting on the my bed, hugging my knees, and looking out the window when Weneithel came to summon me to breakfast. A thick, soupy, grey mist swirled through the trees both outside and inside the Forest Palace.

"It's foggy," I stated as Wen came in. "I've always liked foggy days, but this seems sinister, somehow. Anyone out in it must surely be lost."

Raising her eyebrows, Weneithel smiled slightly. "Ah, but the sun will pierce the mist and reveal the way to the one who is lost." I had the surreal sense that we weren't talking about the weather at all. Wen continued, "And perhaps the mist will clear sooner than the wanderer thinks." She smiled.

I turned back to the window. The fog didn't seem to be clearing any. "Weneithel," I asked without turning my head, "what did my dad do?"

There was a long silence from behind me. I turned my head to see why. On Wen's face I could see the some disapproval and smoldering anger that I had noticed when Dad went down the shooting field. Finally she pressed her lips together and spoke carefully, with deliberate evenness.

"Your father became very bitter after your mother's death. He believed she would not have died if she had not been so involved with the elven-named. So he renounced all connections with  our people and vowed he would never have anything to do with us again. In carrying this out, he made some poor choices that affected us all." She paused and studied me gravely. "But it is not mine to tell you what those choices were. That is for your father or the Keeper of the Legacy to reveal." The look on her face made it clear the conversation was over. "It is time for breakfast, my lady."

I was bending down to put on my sandals when what she had called me hit me. I looked up at her, astonished. "My lady? I'm not a lady. I'm just a kid."

Wen smiled strangely. "Mirluin, you are quickly growing into your role as Keeper of the Lore, and as such, you are our Lady. When you first came here you were not as discerning and did not see the tension. But you are learning to read thoughts. You are becoming truly the Keeper of the Lore."

I didn't know what to say. I had to think about this. It was still hard to believe that I was the Keeper of the Lore, and now it seemed that I must get used to deference on the part of the Elven-named. But it would be different at school. I sighed.

"It's not going to be much fun to go to school today."

Wen smiled and shook her head. "You must have lost track of time, Mirluin. It's Saturday today."

"Oh," I stated dumbly. Deciding it would be best not to say anything further, I followed Wen down the hall to the dining chamber.
*   *   *
On Saturday I didn't have to practice with the bow, and I didn't want to go outside in the mist, so I just wandered around inside the Forest Palace. It had a completely different feel with the fog swirling through the corridors and creating ghostly shapes in the hallways. It was a delightful, shivery feel, like I was in a mystery. But I knew that if I went outside it would feel so much more terrifying and horrible.
I came to one of the windows and looked out. I couldn't see much, but I closed my eyes and breathed in the forest smell, which was so much more distinct in the moisture. Suddenly I heard a step near me, and I looked behind me with a start--straight into the eyes of the Keeper of the Legacy.
"Oh, you startled me!" I exclaimed. "I-I hope I'm not bothering you--"
The Keeper gave a kind smile. "No, my child, you are not bothering me." He stood next to me, looking out the window also.
"It's so foggy, but it's still so glorious at the same time," he mused after a short silence. "But it is a strange and dark mist. It bodes no good for the Elven-named."
I looked up at him. "You think it isn't just an ordinary fog?"
He looked down thoughtfully. "I do not know. I did not think that the Mormir had power over the weather. But this fog is giving them a chance to rally their forces around Middlecester, while we cannot stop them." He sighed.
As I looked up at him, I realized that something was weighing heavily on his mind. All of a sudden I remembered what he had said--a long time ago, it seemed. He had said something about having no heir, because the one he had chosen had rejected his calling.
I finally decided to ask him about it. "Keeper, you know how you told me you had no successor because the one you chose rejected his calling?" I waited until he nodded, then plunged on before I lost my courage. "How come you didn't appoint another successor?"
The Keeper smiled sadly. "There are few Eldarhin men in Middlecester left. I did not know of one who would be a good Keeper of the Legacy."
I frowned thoughtfully. "Isn't Thoron one of the Eldarhin?"
The Keeper tilted his head slightly. "Yes, but he is not old enough. Fourteen is the age of responsibility with the Elven-named. That is why you were not informed of your calling until just lately. You were not old enough."
I nodded. "I see. And there isn't anyone else?"
Gravely the Keeper shook his head. "No. There are only two other Eldar-hin men besides your brother in Middlecester."
I sighed, crestfallen. Now I could see why the Elven-named needed help so badly.


  1. Oh my, you have such a way with words, friend! This story is absolutely superb! I am awaiting anxiously to find out what will happen to Mirluin ::


  2. Have you considered getting this published when it is done? I think the public would love it!

    1. Thank you, Silent Reader! Well, I haven't really thought about it, but I certainly might. I'm glad to know you think people would like it! =D
